Improving the health and wellbeing of local communities 

Parks and Green spaces offer huge benefits to people’s health and well-being. 

The Parks Partnership are working with Living Sport to improve access to information for the public about their local parks and green spaces. The website offers information on amenities and events. Those running activities in parks and green spaces or organisations that own these spaces can promote them for free on this website.

The Parks Partnership Team are working to improve access to Green Social Prescribing through GP surgeries and community support services for residents. We are planning a pilot project in four areas across Peterborough and Cambridgeshire to scope the possibilities for partnership working and discovering ways of working that are most effective to help people improve their health and wellbeing through accessing parks and open spaces and the activities that exist within them.  

Building community resilience

Volunteers and community groups are a critical resource for maintaining and developing parks and open spaces. 

The CP3 Team supports building community resilience and volunteers by facilitating an Open Space Forum. Facilitated by Support Cambridgeshire the Forum is an opportunity for volunteers and friends of group members to share ideas, challenges and knowledge about specific topics that the group chooses. Four meetings are planned to happen over the next 12 months.

The CP3 Team provides resources within this website to support volunteers and friends of groups working on parks and open spaces, provide information on funding, and much more.

We have a team inbox for any enquires relating to volunteering information and signposting

Restoring and recovering nature

In response to the climate and environment emergency, the CP3 Team will bring experts together to develop a robust nature restoration strategy for parks and open spaces, as well as signposting resources and develop funding opportunities to volunteer and community groups wanting to undertake restoration projects. The Parks Partnership will maintain a Natural Capital Evidence Base in partnership with the Local Nature Partnership /CPCA as is a key project to support the development of the Local Nature Recovery Strategy. 

Tackling climate change

In response to the climate change crisis, the CP3 Team will coordinate the process to bring expertise from across the county together to develop robust climate change response in parks and open spaces, signposting resources for volunteer and community groups to increase awareness and identify funding and collaborative opportunities.