Blueprint for a Strategic Green Network
This blueprint describes the Green Network itself, the benefits it offers and the collaborations that can make it happen.
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Natural Capital Report
The report has been created to ensure equal access to high-quality, financially sustainable, vibrant green spaces across the whole county.
Open Space Standards Toolkit
This toolkit sets out the recommended steps to be taken by Local Authorities when developing local open space standards.
Greenspace stewardship toolkit
This toolkit sets out a framework and process to help anyone considering the stewardship of new or existing greenspace to navigate the wide range of potential ownership, management and funding options to identify
the most appropriate solution.
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough GreenGround Map
Our map that represents the parks and green spaces in Cambridge, Peterborough, Ely, St Neots, Huntingdon and Wisbech
Parks and open spaces jargon buster
A quick guide to technical terms, new ideas, and changes in the way we talk about parks and open spaces.
New communities report
A report about understanding how new communities use and value their local community parks and green spaces.
Love Parks Conference pack
Download the conference pack from the event held on 14 July which was designed to be part of building a collective vision for the future legacy of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Future Parks.
Cambridgeshire open space mapping and standards technical report
A technical report with the purpose of developing a series of quantity, quality and accessibility standards across Cambridgeshire and its constituent local authorities.
Cambridgeshire open space mapping and standards report
An open space mapping and standards study developed to assess current standards for the provision of publicly accessible greenspace across Cambridgeshire and to propose new standards for provision for quantity, quality and for accessibility.
An introduction to future parks
Since COVID restrictions began 51% of people in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough said they visit their parks and green spaces more often. Find out more about our future parks project.
Volunteer network resource sheet
A useful document that collects together details about the various voluntary organisations in Cambridgeshire.
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